Milford Day 1: Queenstown to Te Anau, Ferry to trail head and Neale Burn Hut.

Our excitement was simmering, we are on the cusp of starting our trek, starting with the Milford track. We were anxious in anticipation, it can't start soon enough.
Preview of the valley views ahead.
Another bus drive this time only about 3 hours, but after yesterday's effort it seemed a lot longer. The bus driver dropped us off by the road saying it was only about 5 minutes walk to the YHA hostel. In fact it took us more like 20, then he had the hide to turn up later to pick up passengers !
We walked along the foreshore of Te Anau and enjoyed the lake and mountain scenery combination, looking very much forward to our walk tomorrow.
Te Anau shoreline
We dropped in to the department of conservation to pay the trail fees for the Milford and Routeburn tracks.. At the D.O.C. there were interesting displays of Maori heritage, natural history and the destructive influences of foreign flora and fauna.
Check in at the DOC, Te Anau
After  all the formalities it was time to lunch at the local bakery and chill out until the ferry arrived to take us to the trail head. We are following a well regulated itinerary set out by the D.O.C. We are quite happy with it as it means there is time to enjoy the scene and we are not stressed by overcrowding. Refer Milford Track Itinerary.
Ahead is the gateway to the valley we will walk through and over. We are looking forward and tantalised by what lies ahead ie the famed views and experience of walking this trail.
Our walk was along an easy track that runs by the Clinton river. It was a very pleasant start. The path is close to being wheelchair friendly.
In the river we some huge trout, which a probably large for a good reason - clear water, low count of fishermen and probably a good level of food given the bug count. We were well protected, hearing horror stories about the sand flies.
After about an hour of walking we got to our first night of accommodation - Neale Burn Hut. It is an impressive hut with gas cookers, clean an spacious.
Today's journey and its finish was a mere taster of what is to come. I am stoked with excitement, this area is gorgeous.

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